SEPA Water Level Data

Service Notice

We are experiencing issues with our data feeds to our public facing webpages which have been temporarily disrupted and we are working to resolve this urgently.

Loch Ness @ Foyers
Station Name
Loch Ness@Foyers
Level Data (.csv, .json, .xml)
Gauge Datum (mAOD)
Catchment Area (km2)
Record Start Date
April 2014
Highest Level on Record
3.355 at 2015-03-08 12:30:00
Lowest Level on Record (m)
National River Flow Archive Link


Water level data is gathered by SEPA to help it fulfil its statutory duties. We publish it online because we recognise that this information may also be useful for others, but we cannot guarantee its currency or availability. There may be occasions when data will not be have been collected from a gauging station, therefore results will not appear until the next data collection.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, neither Scottish Environment Protection Agency, nor its employees or agents can be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions, whether caused by negligence or otherwise. All data should be regarded as provisional and may be subject to later revision.